Title: Automating Prediction of Fall in Elderly Population
Summary: In this study, we developed an objective, computational tool, which automates the fall assessment process and allows easy, efficient and accessible assessment of fall risk. The system enables large scale screening of the general public at very little cost
Participants: Hagit Hel-Or, Nadav Eichler, Shmuel Raz, Ilan Shimshoni
Status - Completed
Title: Automatic Rehabilitation Following Hip Replacement
Summary: In this study, we develop an objective, computational tool, which automates the rehabilitation process after hip replacement – Each physical exercise will be evaluated by a specified novel algorithms and the sequence of exercises will be defined accordingly using another algorithm.
Participants: Hagit Hel-Or, Shmuel Raz, Ilan Shimshoni
Status - Ongoing
Title: Automating Prediction of Fall in Elderly Population from Activity of Daily Living
Summary: In this study, we propose to develop a system for fall estimation based on activity of daily living, by mapping the activity of daily living (ADL) to a standard scale of fall estimation
Participants: Hagit Hel-Or, Ilan Shimshoni
Status - Initiating
Title: Truth or Lie - determining the validity and authenticity of data
Summary: We propose an interdisciplinary and multi-faceted look at Truth vs Lies that encompases analysis, detection and discrimnation between Truth and lie telling, Fake and real data, and Inline or workaround behavior (or mis-behavior)
Participants: Hagit Hel-Or
Status - Initiating
Title: A novel non-invasive multi-modal dynamic detection of stress markers in the wild
Summary: This project proposes a novel approach to study of non-intrusive, remote, dynamic detection and evaluation of stress in the wild with the end goal of real-time detection in online-platforms.
Participants: Hagit Hel-Or, Doron Kliger, Azmi Haider, Dina Bavli
Status - Ongoing
Title: Dr Patient interaction - “Looking at each other” from video
Summary: A mechanism for determining eye contact was developed. The system shows success in sample cases.
Participants: Hagit Hel-Or, Sigal Zilcha-Mano, Ilan Shimshoni
Status - Initiating
Title: Quantification of Plagiocephaly - head deformations in infants
Summary: The goal of this study is to develop an automated system for evaluating plagiocephaly in infants. The automated system will provide an objective and quantitative (rather than the existing subjective) evaluation of the severity of head deformation
Participants: Hagit Hel-Or, Hila Sarig-Bahat
Status - Ongoing
Title: Analyzing problem solving
Participants: Roza Leikin Batshi Haddad Hagit Hel-Or
Status - Ongoing